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Location: Florida, United States

Saturday, July 24, 2004

The Sensitivity Of The Human Heart

Once I get past the anger of another person's cruelty I recognize what a tender heart we ALL must have! The fact that a person you've never met can hurt you by their words is quite interesting to me. How can someone I've never met in person effect my emotion's just by words on a page????.....Amazing to find how tender we are. Yes the outer shell is tough from life, or backround, or for whatever reason, but get past that place and wow what a tender, soft spot it is!  I guess it will reinforce and help me to remember how tender we all are when I open my mouth to speak...even if it is just words on a page!
All I can say is "Thank You" for reminding me how tender and soft and valuable people are, by your willingness to not think before you write! It is a wonderful opportunity for ME to grow as a person, because of the thoughtlessness of others.
I think we all strive to be what God intended us to be, I just happen to war sometimes with the "old" me and the person I am trying to be. Life....what a ride eh!


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