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Friday, December 10, 2004

My Thoughts on sin & Love!

I have been a Christian since I was 17 years old so that would make me a believer for 21 years. In my 21 years I have been to many charismatic churches, many non-Christian websites and have fallen down quite a few times from the trials in my life. I have spoken to more atheists and agnostics in the last 5 years then in my entire life. As I spent my time talking with people who do not believe in Jesus & God I have learned why they cannot stand “Christians”.

I have worked in an environment where everyone was into new age, lesbianism, etc. When I started working there it was a few years after my brother had committed suicide because he was caught doing what we as a society and as caring adults find to be horrific. When my brother shot himself I knelt weeping, praying for his soul and just trying to understand why he would do such horrible things. When I was sent to the job mentioned above, I was reading my bible and talking with the Lord about WHY I of all people would He put me in this work environment?!

Here is what the Lord whispered in my ear about each situation…..

My Brother:

“Remember that every one of you are 1 step away from being that sick & unholy….That only by GRACE do you have the ability to hear My Spirit and be able to hear My Love and fall into My arms for strength and wisdom to be better than what you are.

Work environment (homosexuality, sorcery, new-age environment, sin, etc.):

As I was sitting on my bed reading and talking to the Lord about why He would put me….the person who believes that Love is a verb and not just a bunch of words you spew out to people to “convert” them to Jesus…A person who would NEVER look at a person and say you are unworthy and a sinner and will go to hell if you do not repent….Me, who looks at a person and just remembers that they too may have a heart as tender as mine. WHY would He put me here I asked…His reply…..“Kathy…. Close your eyes and remember the place you were when you were at your farthest point away from Me. Not where you are now…Loving Me, fellowshipping with Me, adoring Me, seeking My wisdom….but that place when you would curse the sky and hate me. I took a moment and remembered when I was a crank addict and would look up at the sky at night and just despise my life and Him. When I got that perfect visual the Lord whispered ever so gently…..That is when I climbed up on that cross and died for you!!!!!!!! NOT for where you are now, but I did it for where you were when you fell away from Me. Do not EVER look at 1 of my children with disgust, loathing, or hatred but with Love, because when you look at them with anything else but that and not through My Eye’s they will NEVER hear ME when you speak!”

Sin is sin…..whether its smoking, hating your neighbor, lying, cheating, adultery, homosexuality, its all the same to Him and when you look at the person judging them not in LOVE, you are saying that Jesus died for nothing! How dare any of us judge who He climbed up on that cross and died for! Please remember to see the people you want to “convert” through a film of Perfect Love and that filter is through God’s eyes!

Jesus did not walk up to the prostitute and shout at her, condemn her, or preach at her. What He did was tell the people who are without sin to cast the 1st stone! Remember to love a stranger, a friend or your neighbor like you would love them if you thought they were 1 of God’s angels…because your actions and words can and will change a person’s life FOREVER!


Blogger Michael said...


We all fall short.


7:28 PM, May 20, 2009  
Blogger JohnnyBob said...

I found You on P.O.F and I came here to read Your poem, I enjoyed it Pretty Mama, Im posting here cause you don't except mail further then 75 miles away

Believe Me I know what Your going through as far as Your "work Environment" is concerned

3:32 AM, October 25, 2009  

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