Love is a Verb!

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Location: Florida, United States

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I think we as women need to be informed!!!!!

So many of us get caught up in the agenda of the masses that we forget to take the time to find things out on our own. I have noticed that the majority of women are opossed to the ban of partial birth abortion yet most don't even know what it IS!
PLEASE....take a few minutes to see why this isn't just "abortion"!!

This procedure is done in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and the baby is delivered vaginally!!!!!
Please inform yourselves on this topic as I know that most who didn't know what it was and I told them were appalled!!!!!!!!


Monday, August 23, 2004

Peom I wrote in 9/2000

The meaning of life to me,
is to see that person you hide away.
To touch the place you hide so fiercely...
That place no other may go.
Oh, what treasures it may hold.
Those treasures your heart may have...
That tender, beautiful soul.
The mysteries of the universe are there I see.
If only you will let me touch that place...
No other may go.
You are the meaning of life to me.
That person I may be honored enough to see. Whose heart is tender...
So full of mystery To touch that place...
Is my greatest goal
For you my dear...
Are the meaning of life, to me.
Written 09/2000

Deep & Profound....

Can't say I've had anything deep & profound to say in awaile!lol
Working alot and missing my man who has been gone out of town working for what seems an ETERNITY!

Its really hard to meet people when you go nowhere but work and home....would love to meet some fellow bikers and/or friends to just hang out with and stuff. Nothing spectacular, just to the beach for an hour or lunch a few days a week. I'm pretty used to being alone which doesn't bother me 1 bit as I kinda like myself, but you can only talk to yourself for so long before you start to go a little stir crazy!lol

And trying to get a Florida get together with women is like making the sea part!ROFL
Work is good....have 3 potential clients in North caroline which is cool as its alot of data entry but doing this for 10+ years its EASY money baby!!!!!