Just got to thinking about "stuff" (deep stuff BTW...lololol...I figured out I do that when I am "bored") tonight and the word resilience came to mind.
I hear it alot lately.....for different reasons.
Isrealies & Palistinians...MANY YEARS of getting up everyday just like we do, getting ready for work & getting on a bus, or sitting at a restuarant and possibly wondering if today would be the day their bus or restuarant would get bombed.
Then I thought about WWII....MILLIONS of Jews spent YEARS in concentration camps and came out alive, with their faith in tact, while others did not survive the horror....
Slavery....100's OF YEARS human beings were beatin, sold, and treated like animals and some lived their whole lives and finally came out free while others did not, or fought for cival rights and died for it so that we can truelly ALL be free.
Indians.....I don't know all the numbers on that 1 but a nation of people....good, warm, spiritual, people with a history and a heritage I find amazing, spent YEARS fighting to keep a land that was rightlfully theirs. Many died because of it, and then there is the Trail Of Tears.
My point I guess is when I look at my life....I need to remember what it REALLY means to be resilient...because as this poem says it all:
"The Cross Room"
The young man was at the end of
his rope. Seeing no way out,
he dropped to his knees in prayer.
"Lord, I can't go on, "he said.”I have
too heavy a cross to bear." The Lord
Replied, "My son, if you can't bear its
weight, just place your cross inside
this room. Then open that other door,
and pick out any cross you wish."
The man filled with relief.
"Thank you Lord, "he sighed, and he
did as he was told. Upon entering
the other door, he saw many crosses,
some so large the tops were not
visible. Then he spotted a tiny cross
leaning against a far wall. "I'd like
that one Lord,” he whispered. And
the Lord replied, "My son, that is the
cross you just brought in." "Author Unknown"
Makes me keep my life & my trials in perpsective